
Travelogue, Nostalgic memories and more…

Bring back the Touch!


*** All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, is purely coincidental. ***

The very first touch that happened between Vikesh and Shruthi is the day of their wedding. It took 4 years for the lovers to enter into marriage life. Yes, after so much of struggle they got married. The couple was so happy that they wish became true. Vikesh and Shruthi had a opinion which had no second thought, it was to be happy forever.

The first week after their wedding they were so close to each other holding their hands together so tight and leaning on each others shoulder as a married couple. It made happy not only them, but other couples who looked at them, which made them think about their wedding day and initial days after wedding.

Day after day, month after month Vikesh started giving more importance to work and got busy at work which reduced the time he had spent with his partner. Closely sitting together to each other and the romantic outing which was once never ending becomes occasional after years.

The days they were close became memories. During a busy day, during much work pressure, when he saw his wife preparing lunch for him and for her while she was getting ready to office , their favorite romantic song being played in music channel. Which made both of them to stop for a moment from what they were doing and made them look at each other.

They sat together for few minutes and the moment Shruthi touched his hand looking at his eyes with a smile, it brought back the memories of their days as lovers. It brought back the touch with the same feeling as their days as lovers.

Author: bhargavkesavan

Writer | Blogger | Photographer | Podcaster | YouTuber.

4 thoughts on “Bring back the Touch!

  1. 🙂 All the best. Your’s would have been the more perfect for the Ad.


  2. Good one and it definitely brought back my memories…will inform manni (of course if I remember ;)) to read this as well 🙂


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